Questions & Answers about Chausies
Q: Do Chausies require a special diet?
A: Chausies do best, like any domestic feline, on a diet made from good quality meat, organs, and bone in forms that are readily digestible. Often a premium commercial cat food will be fine. Talk with your breeder to determine the best diet for your Chausie.
Q: Are Chausies prone to litterbox problems or spraying?
A: No. Most Chausie's will use a litter box just like any other domestic cat and are not prone to spraying. Some Chausies that have a higher percentage of wild blood may be less dependable.
Q: Are Chausies aggressive?
A: No, Chausies are confident and can be assertive, but not aggressive.
They want human attention and they let you know it. Living with a Chausie can be a lot like living with a human child. They are intelligent, and they have the initiative to try to get what they want. But they are also highly trainable and like to know what to expect from you. If you set limits but also meet their needs in a predictable manner, the two of you will forge a great relationship that only gets better with time. They are affectionate, engaging, happy cats.
Q: Are Chausies good with other pets and small children?
A: Chausies are social and enjoy other cat companions, dogs, and family members of all ages. As you then introduce the new cat or kitten to the rest of your household, do so slowly and under your supervision. A Chausie should get along with other animals and children the same as any other housecat.
Q: Can Chausies be trained to walk on a leash?
A: Yes! One of the benefits of owning such an intelligent cat is that it CAN be trained and will enjoy going on car rides and walks. Start harness and leash training as young as possible and be consistent. Chausies can even play fetch!
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